Calistoga EV Charging Stations at Community Center and Pool Project
Project Description/Scope of Work: The purpose of this project is to install Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS), two spaces at the Community Pool served by one dual port station and and three spaces at the Fire Station served by one dual port station and one single port station. The work generally consists of hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavement, installation of new electric vehicle charging stations, conduit, pull boxes, and safety bollards, signs and striping.
Bidding Closed
Prebid Date11/6/23 10:00am
Bid Date11/20/23 2:00pm
Company & Contacts
City of Calistoga
John Draper
Calistoga, CA
The Engineer's Estimate: $75,000
The City will conduct a non-mandatory pre-bid meeting on Monday November 6, 2023 at 10:00 A.M. The meeting will take place at the Fire Station located at 1113 Washington Street, Calistoga, CA 94515. The City encourages all prospective bidders and subcontractors to attend. Bidders who do not attend the pre-bid meeting will be responsible for their bids, and all provisionsthereof, to the same extent as those bidders that did attend. Those bidders who do not attend the pre-bid meeting will not be excused from their bid or any provision thereof on account of information that was available at the pre-bid meeting.